Thank you for purchasing The Missed Flight on Buy a Gift.
How it works:
-Use the form that pops up when you click ‘Select’ below to upload the recipient’s name. You will then be asked for the recipient’s address at checkout.
-Don’t worry – you won’t be charged anything additional. Enter your voucher code in the ‘Discount Code’ section on the next page and we will remove 100% of the price of the puzzle.
-After checkout you will be directed to a page where you can upload your secret message.
-We will pop the Puzzle Post in the actual post for the recipient to solve. They won’t know who it is from until they solve the puzzles and unlock your message.
The Missed Flight
An Escape Room in an Envelope! A personalised mystery game.
In a story of lies and corruption, Lucy Kingston has been forced into hiding and left a secret message hidden in an online vault. She’s left a series of clues to the 7 digit passcode – know someone who’s up to the challenge?
Personalisation: You can personalise the game by uploading your own secret message to our online vault, which will only be revealed when the puzzle is solved. You can upload or update your message at any point until the game has been completed.
Players: 1-4 Age: 14+ Time: 45-60 minutes
100% recyclable, plastic free and made in the UK.
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